Dr Abeya provides Telehealth consultations (via skype ) for patients in rural and remote locations of Australia. Eligible areas are areas outside major cities.
The following link will enable you to identify whether you are eligible for a Telehealth rebate from Medicare http://www.doctorconnect.gov.au/internet/otd/publishing.nsf/Content/locator
Patients will require a referral from a GP and this will need to be sent in advance to our rooms via email or fax prior to making an appointment.
Medicare rebates are available for video consultations between specialists and patients in telehealth eligible areas, and in eligible aged care facilities and Aboriginal Medical Services throughout Australia. Rebates are also available for clinical services provided by a health professional (e.g. General Practitioner) located with the patient during the video consultation.
Please do call us at psychiatristinsydney.com.au for further information.